
About Epic CM

Epic CM is a replacement Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich-based ROM for the Sprint's Samsung Epic 4G.  We are volunteers who enjoy fixing bugs, customizing and optimizing our own phone as one of many teams working within the Cyanogenmod project.  Please follow us on Google+ and Facebook for the latest news!

Read about our latest release!

The Epic 4G is an unusual variant of the Samsung Galaxy S in that it has a physical slide-out keyboard.  It is a relatively old phone but continues to be Sprint's flagship slider keyboard phone almost 2 years after it hit the market in August 2010.  While it remains a great phone, the operating system that it ships with remains stagnant at Android Gingerbread 2.3.6.  CyanogenMod 9 based on 4.0.4 "Ice Cream Sandwich" unlocks the potential of this phone!

Uberpinguin, mkasick, wispoffates, noobnl, Decad3nce, wtogami, Tortel, bbelos, nullghost, Alias8818, gTan64, AproSamurai, DRockstar, nubecoder, darkcube

QA, FAQ, Issue Triage, Support etc.
bobbyg, Bollweevill, k0nane, Cyc, Giftedx29, zander, bickman2, jdelano, TeMpTiN, calis

Team Epic Fund Drive
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