
Thursday, February 16, 2012

EL30 Factory Firmware Image

We have a surprise for you - an untouched, factory EL30 TAR!

Get links and installation information after the break!

#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* Your warranty is now void.
* The CM team is not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, you getting fired because the alarm app failed, or anything whatsoever.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.

Follow the instructions exactly! We are NOT responsible for bricks!

Pit: (md5: 69c4608bd73897bc46107dc9adf7c68a)

Odin+Pit: (md5: c42a2cb8b83a66aefb31ce1182b67ca4)


Stock EL30 Tar: (md5: 4d2dad70e5b459d302030edcf4b204ad)

EL30 Modem Only in BIN format: (md5: d5740bc9f0e35de328ce8487df2a1ca2)

How to install EL30 modem by QBKing77

EL30 Modem Only: (md5: 1663cbcf0b6b5fccf23cee8e01bade1d)
Samsung drivers:
Installing EL30 with Odin:
  1. Download and install drivers with link above.
  2. Download a .tar from a link above.
  3. Download Odin from a link above.
  4. Install drivers.
  5. Unplug USB cable.
  6. Extract and open Odin.
  7. Uncheck everything except 'Auto Reboot'. 
    1. If you are coming from an MTD build, please check Repartition.
  8. .tar file goes in PDA and .pit goes it PIT
  9. Boot phone into download mode (1 button + power button)
  10. Plug in USB cable.
  11. Hit START and wait.
  12. Troubleshooting: If it doesn't finish: pull the battery and try again, use a different cable (95% of the time another cable will fix it so don't be hard headed and just try it)
Installing EL30 with Heimdall (Windows):
  1. Download Heimdall, Samsung drivers, and pit file from the above links.
  2. Download EL30 from a link above and extract the contents to a directory.
  3. Extract the file you downloaded.
  4. Install the drivers if you haven't already and plug the phone in in Download mode.
  5. Run the zadig.exe program in the drivers folder and replace the Samsung composite driver.
  6. Launch Heimdall and open the Flash tab.
  7. Browse for the pit file.
    1. If you are on an MTD ROM, make sure to check the Repartition box.
  8. Under Partitions (Files), click Add and add in the following Partition Names along with the corresponding files. The files will be in the folder you extracted the EL30 tar to. After selecting the file, click Add to add a second Partition.
    1. IBL+PBL: boot.bin
    2. CACHE: cache.rfs
    3. DATAFS: datafs.rfs
    4. FACTORYFS: factoryfs.rfs
    5. MODEM: modem.bin
    6. PARAM: param.lfs
    7. RECOVERY: recovery.bin
    8. SBL: Sbl.bin
    9. KERNEL: zImage
    10. You will not use the EFS or SBL2 partitions.
  9. After adding all Partitions and the phone is in download mode, press Start.
  10. Troubleshooting: If your phone doesn't do anything, reboot the phone and try to start the flash shortly after you plug in the phone. You can set the Partitions and files before plugging in the phone.
Installing EL30 with Heimdall (Linux):
  1. Download Heimdall and the pit file from the above links.
  2. Download EL30 from a link above and extract the contents to a directory.
  3. Extract the files you downloaded.
  4. Build Heimdall for your Linux distro.
    1. Arch Linux has an AUR package (heimdall or heimdall-svn).
  5. Set up the udev rules for Android by putting an entry in /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules
    1. #      Galaxy S
    2. SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="6601", SYMLINK+="android_adb"
    3. SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="685d", MODE="0666"
    4. SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", ATTR{idProduct}=="68c3", MODE="0666"
      1. Arch Linux has an AUR package (android-udev).
  6. Restart udev.
  7. Turn off the phone and boot in to Download mode (Hold 1 and press Power).
  8. Plug the phone in to install the drivers.
  9. Launch Heimdall and open the Flash tab.
  10. Browse for the pit file.
    1. If you are on an MTD ROM, make sure to check the Repartition box.
  11. Under Partitions (Files), click Add and add in the following Partition Names along with the corresponding files. The files will be in the folder you extracted the EL30 tar to. After selecting the file, click Add to add a second Partition.
    1. IBL+PBL: boot.bin
    2. CACHE: cache.rfs
    3. DATAFS: datafs.rfs
    4. FACTORYFS: factoryfs.rfs
    5. MODEM: modem.bin
    6. PARAM: param.lfs
    7. RECOVERY: recovery.bin
    8. SBL: Sbl.bin
    9. KERNEL: zImage
    10. You will not use the EFS or SBL2 partitions.
  12. After adding all Partitions and the phone is in download mode, press Start.
  13. Troubleshooting: If your phone doesn't do anything, reboot the phone and try to start the flash shortly after you plug in the phone. You can set the Partitions and files before plugging in the phone. If it can't detect the phone, you may need to reboot if restarting udev didn't work.
Thanks to Rodderik for providing us the tar and to our source of the TAR, who will remain nameless.


  1. you guys is awesome. wish you were working on the TP CM9 (not that Dalingrin and them aren't doing a fantastic job too)

  2. I'm going to switch from MIUI over to CM9, but saw this this morning. My question is, should I install this first, then CM9, and if so, is there anything special I need to do to root EL30?

  3. what is the difference between stock and factory? and if i flashed cm9 from stock el30 do i have to do this to? and if yes which one?

    (text me 224) 306-2260)

  4. With SPH-D700 coming from CM9 alpha4 and EH17 Modem trying to Odin the EL30 modem Only I stuck twice. So I Odined Stock EL30 Tar and did a lot of work with QPST and checking the configuration with the Sprint Epic Dialer Codes.
    After following a step by step procedure ( until part #3 I flashed with the recently installed CWM 5 my CM9 alpha4 zip file and the special gaps-ics zip (they remained in the SD-card) and I was again in CM9 alpha4.

  5. hey cm9 team, see i have EL30 but its not rooted and i have tried almost everything with QBking77 but its not working. please contact me if your a real pro that can solve all my issues (224) 306-2260. do not call for commercial interests!

  6. great post!!!! exactly what I needed and one of the few who actually know who to make step by step instructions ANYONE can follow!!All the links included,...priceless!
