
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Help Needed: Test Kernel for beta0
md5sum 851618ac07a41b4ef074012fe43e0732

This is a temporary kernel with two of the experimental patches we are testing for the upcoming CM9 beta1.  You can boot it by "flashing" in CWM.  Nothing is actually flashed.  It just boots this alternate kernel and your phone behaves like normal except with these changes below.  When you want to switch back to the beta0 kernel, just reboot.  Your feedback will help to determine if we will keep these changes for beta1 or not.
  • Disable Samsung's mdnie.
    • I have no idea what mdnie does, but noobnl says it "makes the color look bad".  I personally think it makes some fonts look bad.  What changes do you notice?  Which do you prefer, beta0 or the way things look with this temporary kernel?
  • Free more RAM by disabling FIMC1 mmap and reduce mmap usage for JPEG driver. 1.9 MB is freed.
    • This has something to do with the camera, but we don't know what.  It seems to work.  Can you find anything that this breaks or slows down?
Please reply with your feedback here or on our Google+ page!


  1. After looking at some pictures and looking at text on my Google reader widget I think I prefer the test kernel. It's hard to really compare without the two different kernels in use side by side.

    I think everything seems a little softer which I prefer. Text is more legible and colors slightly less saturated. I read your's and noobnl's opinion before flashing this so it could just be a placebo effect.

    I got a FC when trying to do any of the effects with the video camera. (bug eye, big mouth, etc.)

    1. I get the FC's with the effects on the stock kernel as well

  2. Is there a way to verify it was flashed successfully? Not sure what the stock kernel version is.

    1. If you shutdown and restart, you will be back on the beta0 kernel. This is a temporary one-time boot kernel.

  3. Text seems to be a bit sharper. It's slight and I haven't done a side-by0-side, but I think I notice a difference. If nothing else, it certainly isn't worse. I haven't experienced any FCs with either kernel, though, I have noticed a smoothness hiccup or two while moving around in the UI which I don't think I've experienced before. I'm not sure what would cause that, or if I'm just being extra critical, but I felt it was worth mentioning. Thanks for the good work on this, all.

  4. Text appears sharper in the new kernal. I notice no difference in color saturation between either kernal. I also agree with Haas599 regarding the FC when applying any effects using the video feature while on the camera. Both kernals cause the app to FC. I notice nothing different in the camera app other than beta0 seems to be more smooth when taking video.

  5. The whole screen seems more vibrant on this kernel. It's a faint difference, and could just be my imagination, but it really seems to be less washed-out. No camera problems detected. Just took a couple of pictures without any issue or slowdown. Never use the camcorder feature, so I wouldn't know if there was a difference.

  6. I actually experienced the opposite of the others when compared to my wife's ICS Epic. The text was...a bit fuzzy...hers was much cleaner, and the color seemed ....faded, on mine...It was like I had that dumb screen protector on it

  7. "...features Samsung’s mDNIe – mobile Digital Natural Image engine technology, borrowed from Samsung’s latest LCD TV's and LED TV's. The mDNIe technology is said to offer better viewing angles and “super fast response.”"

    Natural colors = Bad colors?

  8. hey, you guys are rocking at this like kings! but there are a few problems, i use earphones/headphones with a mic and when i press the button on the mic voice command doesn't work and it doesn't end my calls. also people tell me they cant hear me through the mic but when i pull out the jack and talk on the phone they say they can hear me better. one last one. when i call this number that's an american number that transfers overseas to my friend it keeps calling and skips VM but on gingerbread i was able to leave voice mail anyone know why?? and im not that tech. advanced but i cant seem to stop my moms epic battery from draining like crazy even with the guide. please e-mail me b/c i might not get this message here.

  9. I've had much more RAM available now with this kernel. Killing apps and running services, I used to get 165MB. Now I get 200MB+.
