
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

CM9 RC1 for Epic 4G Release Notes

UPDATE: CM9 RC2 Warning
CM9 RC2 for Epic has been released.  Unfortunately, it has a major bug where it fails to retain addon .zip's, causing folks to have problems like broken gapps or losing Sprint VVM after they upgrade.  You are fine if you manually flash addons immediately after upgrading RC2.  You may want to wait for the next release if you want a stable experience.

The CyanogenMod Project has released CM9 RC1 for all supported devices including Sprint's Samsung Epic 4G. CM9 RC1 contains primarily stability and branding changes since Epic 4G's beta4.  Please follow CM for Epic 4G development on Google+ and Facebook!

Release Notes
  • If you have trouble with auto rotation after enabling the settings in the Customization Guide, try calibrating your sensors with the temporary FC09 sdcard utility.
  • If you use any 3rd party kernels, mods or "tweaks", please do not report any bugs to the CM team.  We are not able to help you if you have modified your operating system in any way.
  • CM9 RC1 is officially supported by the CyanogenMod project.  So if you are using the CM9 RC1 build, you may now report bugs directly here.  See CyanogenMod's official announcement of CM9 RC1.
Changelog of CM9 RC1 (see previous)
    • One cause of the keyboard backlight failing to turn on when desired has been fixed.  It is possible other causes have not been fixed.  Please report if you continue to run into issues with the keyboard backlight.
    • Switch from binary libsensor to source-built libsensor from aries.  Theoretically it should behave identical to the old libsensor.  Please report any differences you notice with sensors.
    • Rescaled signal levels to fit AOSP's signal bar thresholds.  It should be roughly equivalent to the behavior in beta4.  Please report if you experience any major problems with signal bar behavior.
    • The new CM9 boot animation featuring the Cid mascot is now included.  If you want the old boot animation, download the flashable .zip from the boot animation page.
    See the CM9 Status page for more details. Then proceed to the CM9 Install Guide.  Please check if your bugs are already filed in the Epic CM Issue Tracker.

    If you appreciate this work, please consider supporting the Team Epic. Thank you!


    1. First off, thanks for all the awesome work!

      Is is just me or does the phone screen now stay on when it is plugged in? I didn't change a setting... simply updated to RC1.

      1. everything seems normal for me, can you shut off the screen with the power button? may want to clear all your cache and re-flash if not

      2. Yup.. I can hit the power button to turn off the screen when it is plugged in. When it's on, its on. After a bit it dims for a moment like it would normally do before shutting off, but then it just brightens up again and stays on. It just keeps doing that over and over.

        When it is not charging, everything is normal.

      3. Check your settings under Developer's Settings for the Stay Awake option. When checked, the screen will not go off if the phone is connected to power or USB.

    2. Does this release have a fix for the visual voicemail bug (ie. the txt msgs from 9016)?

    3. I know the PRL is still being worked on, i am assuming that it is not included. But i know that with sprint there is a little blurb that gives device priority to newer devices for internet. is there gonna a way/quick modification to be able to adjust this in the future? just curious

    4. Did this blog entry used to say that the prl and profile could be updated natively with this? Can't find it now.

      1. No, we've managed to make it work in a very experimental build that breaks many other things. We haven't proven that it is possible to make that feature stable in CM9 yet.

    5. I see a new nightly is out. What's the difference, if anything, between the RC1 and the nightly?

      Is there a reason to "upgrade" the RC1 to the latest nightly?

        No. Follow the Epic CM Google+ page, because that will tell you when there are interesting new builds that have actually been tested by a dev.

    6. Have loved every cm9 build thus far...but for some reason i am dumb founded as this build has a myriad of force close issues, and idk if it has to do with any apps i have installed but yeah....just a little surprised.

      1. I've had similar issues. The beta 2 release worked fine for me, but since then (beta4 and RC1) I have been getting frequent "force close" pop-ups. Wondering if this would be resolved by going back to beta 2?

      2. FoxFi (tethering) hasn't worked for me since Beta 4 came out. Dolphin Browser crashes every now and Go Launcher Notifications no longer shows the # of missed calls or Text messages then but everything else seems to be working okay for me ...

    7. It great for me I like the battery life but for me some txt I received i don't get noticed and i have go to message to see my new txt and data speed is slower for me on rc1

      1. I have the same issue with text notifications since beta 4.

    8. Am I the only one having problems with text messages being all screwy characters again if longer than 160 characters.
      Running default everything, kernel,rom and messaging app.

    9. M getting a lot of random reboots after phone becomes irresponsive..

    10. little help ever since flashing rc1 my google account is gone from my phone.....cant get into playstore, gmail, or g+.....also flashed the latest gapps to no avail......any help would be greatly appreciated

      1. Pretty sure you'll need to reflash the gapps addon to get google accounts back, not sure though.

    11. Eyerytime, after 2 or 3 hours of usage,every app starts closing without any notification! Not even force close notification..need to reboot to make things working any developer checking the comments?

    12. i notice that i keep losing signal and i have slow data speed

    13. Is anyone else having trouble with sending and receiving mms?

    14. noticing problem where go to search and the search screen just closes back to the home (default) screen. Had this issue since b3-b4.

      losing signal - noticing that transition from home wifi to public 3g - doesn't autoswitch - sometimes need to reboot or airplane off/on or turn on 4g to get 3g to kick in

    15. Noticed an issue a few times now where I'm on a phone call then receive a text message and the call drops. I tried to duplicate it and could not but then it happened again. It happened once on Beta 4. I'll keep trying to figure out what's going on and update if I find anything out.

    16. Wonderful!! Can't wait to put the release on my wife's epic.
      Too bad sprint is dropping wimax, never had it here anyway but still have to pay the extra $10/mo for it. Thinking of going to verizon but need the full qwerty with numbers.
      Any one know of USB host mode being enabled on the epic so we can use OTG cables?


      1. The $10 a month isn't paying for 4g. It's for the increased data traffic that costs Sprint $$$ in order to keep giving its mobile customers unlimited data. You'll pay an extra $10 no matter what phone you get as long as it's a smartphone.

        There is a custom kernel by Earthbound that has USB Host Mode enabled, but keep in mind if you choose to use it you cannot post any issues you experience on any of the official EpicCM team's blogs or threads and expect assistance from them.

      2. If you're going Verizon, get the Stratosphere, it's basically just a rebranded Epic, except with LTE instead of WiMax.

    17. Is anyone else experiencing missing text messages or receiving them hours later and also not recieving calls at all?

    18. I'm having an odd reboot while in a call in low signal areas with 40% or less battery the signal bar gets an x by it my battery % goes to 0 with an exclamation mark my phone shuts down saying my battery is dead Iboot back up phones still at the same % and runs fine

    19. This is a little less of a issue than most but cannot forward any video I take of anything even if video is for 5 secounds I have tried this on more than my phone so figured to put it in here thanks for the hard work!

    20. did you guys abandoned us -_-

    21. Check out my yotube page (whitehead953) and I made a remix of "cyan tone" ringtone as appreciationfor Cyanogenmod 9 and the developers :)

    22. @vmp12,


      ....CM Project blog states: RC2, then a Stable......for CM9.

      ........CM10 perhaps?

    23. To decrypt that.

      RC2 will be out when CM9 releases the RC2. For now there are nightlies at once CM9 hits release same deal.

      Same for CM10. Esp. Since we alreadu have a limited booting Jelly Bean for the Epic 4G.

    24. How much work is actually going into the Epic 4G these days for specific bugs only "our" device seems to be suffering from on CM9/CM7? Originally all of the thousands of dollars in donations was intended to keep development going "specifically" for this device and those of us still stuck on it for awhile. Since then other devices have been added and it was said this was to broaden development and use fixes/ports from these devices for the Epic 4G. Now however, it seems as though not many Epic specific things have been addressed and development time/resources have been put much more into the other devices added that were suppose to be added for the sake of the original device, and the original goal, which is the Epic 4G.

      1. What is your top three epic 4g bugs that haven't been addressed?

      2. Thanks for the hard work! I have to issues that I'm sure other people are having. I was going to say that sometimes copying texts copies the wrong message but it looks fixed now.

        1. New texts do not ring, vibrate, or show up in notifications. It is random and rare but I missed 5 msgs today.

        2. No flashlight in camcorder.

      3. My phone just rebooted all on its own. I had the feeling that was happening but I just observed it do this without being touched. Batt life 42% on RC1 ... just received this phone 3 days ago brand new as replacement device. Rooted, wiped and flashed to RC1. Please help!


    26. Anyone else having issues with MMS (texted) messages not working right? I try to attach a picture it just says "sending" and never sends.

      1. Happens to me all the time, and doesn't seem to be anything new for RC1. I've had MMS sending problems all along. Sometimes it eventually completes the "Sending" days later...

      2. yeah same here i gave up sending pics sense beta 2

    27. anyone having issues turning on the bluetooth and then having the phone NOT turn it on or worse it causes the phone to reboot.....and i know that everyone is still having random lockups/self reboots....but yeah still a pain. And i agree with Celz...flashlight for the camcorder lol. Still the best build out of them all so far.

    28. It appears taht at least for the 0717 build, the 'google' account on the phone no longer exists. When I go to 'accounts' on the phone all that is listed is corporate and email. Google is missing, so basically all my contacts are gone, and no lookups take place for SMS messages, meaning that i've no idea who they're from unless i memorize all the phone numbers :)

      Anyone else seeing this issue?

      1. Yup, that fixed it. cool. Any idea why it was needed for the last couple of nightly builds and not needed for any of the others? I've been installing most of the nightly's for about 3-4 weeks.

      2. I honestly don't know. It may have something to do with the changing of many of the apis.

    29. RC2 from working good so far this am.

    30. Thank you so much for all your work. I hd a question in regards of encryption. Does the new release give you the ability to encrypt your phone? Is encryption even possible with a rooted phone?

    31. hmm seems i will upgrade now then if mms is working worth a try with nothing to do :D

    32. hmm done updating and still no mms(pic) have yet to try a large txt msg....if it helps when i send a over-sized msg that gets converted to mms it is all garbled txt numbers and symbols...built in backgrounds are of the new Sid, not skateboarder :(

      **still no good way to add/remove a new home screen....would love to be able to remove the edges so that we dont have to move our icons**

      1. oh and this is the RC2....easy install btw thx just install gapps

    33. Will we get CM10 on ours Epic 4G?? when will get the final version of CM9?? thanks for all your work

      1. I emailed it to you, check your inbox... lol

    34. Hmm...CM10 or another RC would be good... lol seems that i am having my phone do crash reboots atleast once per day, not doing anything on the phone when it happens....and sometimes it get stuck spinning the start-up screen till batt dies.
      Any thoughts?? RC1 seems to be more stable.

    35. Stable Release is posted on

    36. do we have to reinstall the gapps and vm with the stable like RC2?

      1. I tend to do that for shitz and giggle on each flash anyways. Latest is 4-27-12 GApps according to GooManager.

    37. Major problems making calls. It connects, but I can't hear the other person and every word I say echos back at me. This happens randomly, but frequently, probably 1 in 5 calls.

      Also, when calling for a conference call and needing to enter codes, the 5 and the 7 presses register twice. For example, I enter 5870 and it says "Sorry, code 558770 is invalid, please try again", but the phone shows I entered it correctly. This happens randomly, and is infrequent, but it happens enough to know there is an issue.

      Any ideas? Thanks.

    38. I've had the same issues as Michael for a while now. When I send or receive a call, I can't hear anything. People on the other end say that they can hear me fine. Since that started happening, I can't get Pandora to play anything over 3G/4G, only WiFi. No other audio issues, help? This happens with clean (full wipe) installs of RC1, RC2, and 8/8's nightly.

      1. back up yo shiznit, then odin yourself back to stock and reflash rc2, or the latest nightly if u still brave ;)

      2. don't forget to redownload everything and check md5's

      3. Why rc2? Stable is out.

        Make sure to update your radio, data profile and all that too.

      4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    39. Does anyone care that a Stable release has been out for a few days now?

      1. Evidently not. I'm surprised that I haven't heard a peep from this blog on the topic...

    40. RC1 has been out for a few weeks, and I love it. I noticed it takes up the tiniest bit more memory then the last beta version but a quick Shadow Kernel and OnDemand or Performance setting makes it overall speedy. I'm curious about this CM10 ROM over at xda developers , but just want to wait until there's a decent stable version. BTW, look for Google Now and install in CWM, it's amazing. Use's google calendar, history, maps, places, etc.. and gives you useful information plus the voice recognition is very much improved and runs flawless on our Epic 4G.

    41. @Marcos RC1 is old, like 2 months old...not 2 weeks...STABLE is already out.
      As far as why no statement or update was put here for the Stable release is anybody's guess.
      So far i like the new release. Still have a lock up every now and then(and the typical battery drainage that comes with it).....but still not bad
      My only real gripp is that when turning the screen to lock/sleep it sometimes comes back on...same goes for if you leave your phone alone for a while it will "refresh" the timer for screen to go to auto sleep/off

      1. Considering that we have heard nothing in over 50 days now it might be fair to say that this blog is dead. I'm hesitant to install anything that is released at without it being cleared by the author(s) of this blog though, as my Epic is my daily driver. So I guess I'll keep on keepin' on with RC1...

      2. yeah if i was still on RC1 i would have kept that but as i was on RC2 and it really couldn't get much worse i went to Final ver. But RC1 is almost as good as final not a bad idea to stay on that
